
Diane, Bulls Head

Just helped Diane sell her relative's home, as part of an estate. The 2 family home is located in the community of  Bulls Head. She had this to say about her home selling experience:  "This is late in coming to thank you for the wonderful service you did for myself...

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SINY North Shore Buzz – Hey Viv! – Vintage Clothing.

Join SINY North Shore expert Holly Wiesner Olivieri as she interviews people, businesses and homes in Staten Island’s North Shore community. [yframe url='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMSVfcHZ0x4&list=UUwN2FfZgRTzpW9RjOhHYCdg&index=2'] This episode highlights...

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SINY North Shore Buzz- First Time Home Buyer Tips.

Join SINY North Shore expert Holly Wiesner Olivieri as she interviews people, businesses and homes in Staten Island’s North Shore community. [yframe url='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fh8g-wOZkUw']   Building a home buying team makes the entire home buying...

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Where Is The Castle on Staten Island’s North Shore?

Driving in Castleton Corners, on Staten Island's North Shore, you can't help but admire a magnificent medieval gothic inspired fortress on 321 Manor Rd. The "Staten Island Armory" is the current home of Staten Island’s National Guard. Armories had three basic...

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Why Did The Home Inspection Take 3 Hours?

Yesterday's home inspection was over three hours, home inspection times can vary......one and a half to three hours. Critical is the communication that takes place during the home inspection. Specific information about the home is being provided. Having the home...

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Holly's Staten Island Buzz Realty Logo

Address: 400 Victory Boulevard, Suite C
Staten Island, NY 10301

See on Google Maps

Phone: (718) 702-6848

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Staten Island Chamber of Commerce Logo 2022

The opinions expressed on this blog are my own personal opinions. They do not reflect the opinions of the real estate company. 

All images appearing on the Holly's Staten Island Buzz Realty web site are the exclusive property of Holly Wiesner Olivieri and are protected under the United States and International Copyright laws. The images may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission of Holly Wiesner Olivieri. Use of any image as the basis for another photographic concept or illustration (digital, artist rendering or alike) is a violation of the United States and International Copyright laws. All images are copyrighted © Holly Wiesner Olivieri.