Wall Decals: Classy Art Trick or Tacky Accessory?

July 5, 2011 by Melissa Tracey · 2 Comments
Filed under: Staging Tips 

By Melissa Dittmann Tracey, REALTOR Magazine

wall decalsWall decals–or pretty much wall stickers–are increasingly growing in popularity to decorate walls in a room, but should you use them in staging properties for sale or will it send the message as tacky? (Take the poll.)

These peel-and-stick decals can depict anything and everything, from bold graphics to cartoon characters to motivational phrases. They are inexpensive and easy to stick onto a wall and just peel off when you’re ready to move on.

“Those old-fashioned, ‘Home Is Where the Heart Is’ kind of sayings in that script, I think those are a little cheesy,” designer and TV host Sabrina Soto, a guest designer on HGTV’s “HGTV’d” series, told Florida Today (“Designers’ Do’s and Don’t for Decorating With Decals”).

But wall decals aren’t just for spreading “cheesy” messages or showing off the latest “Cars” or “Toy Story” character in children’s bedrooms. Some designers are actually using wall decals more artistically and incorporating them like wallpaper or an accent wall (see video below). Unlike wallpaper, though, the decals are easy to peel off. And as an art accessory to the walls, they won’t leave any holes behind either.

For example, for a small or awkward space, a single, graphic image decal can actually give “depth to a room and gives some interest to the architecture,” Betsy Burnham of Los Angeles’ Burnham Design told Florida Today in the article. For example, in a small bedroom, a headboard decal may be “a great way to have fun without taking up any space,” Soto adds.

Watch the video below from the Home Staging Channel to see an example of using wall decals more artistically.

Do you think wall decals are a good staging tool or just plain tacky?

I like the option of applying decor to the walls….that can be rearranged or changed very easily. Bringing in a natural look with branches accented with a few flowers would be my choice. Keep it simple and elegant to compliment your interior environment. What’s the worst that can happen ? I would definitely give it a try.

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