The North Shore of Staten Island includes the communities of….Westerleigh,Willowbrook, Randall Manor, West Brighton, Ward Hill Tompkinsville, St. George, Sunnyside, Sunset Hill, Stapleton, Silver Lake, Snug Harbor, Grymes Hill, Graniteville, Port Richmond, Clove Lakes and Castleton Corners.
The chart below illustrates recent statistics on Staten Island’s North Shore housing market….
Curious what homes have sold in the North Shore within the last 6 months? There has been a total of 275 homes sold in Staten Island’s North Shore.
New listings have increased by 8.4% over the last 3 months.Pending sales have increased by 6.4% year to date. And closed sales are down 29.6% year to date.
If you breakdown particular areas of the North Shore….Westerleigh, Sunset Hill, Sunnyside, Royal Oak, Silver Lake, Clove Lakes and Castleton Corners… will see new listings decreased by 16.1%……pending sales have increased by a strong 53.2% year to date….and closed sales are up by 23.9%
Island wide the housing inventory shrank 9.6% or 3,000 units.
The housing market is closely tied to the broader economy. A recent update from NAR’s chief Economist reports signs of recovery in the housing market. This is a positive sign…why wait to make a move? Mortgage rates are still historically low.. proper guidance along with great resources helps to make the home buying or selling process less emotionally trying.
“Spend a day on Staten Island and explore what our wonderful Island has to offer.”
There are two kinds of Real Estate professionals….those who understand the emotional and financial complexity of selling or buying a home …..and those who don’t.
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